Thoughts from the remote (home) office
As I sit here in my (home) office this morning, I feel grateful that our team is fully functional, available, and working remotely.
Although we miss the human interaction with each other, as well as with our clients, working remotely is natural for us as most of our work is created digitally.
When we hunkered down to discuss how to share workload, we found that it was critical to choose a solid communication channel. We use Zoom for bi-weekly meetings and Glip to manage projects. There is a guide for newly remote teams and more recently, a troubleshooting guide for a popular communications tool.
Touching base with one another regularly is essential, not just from a work productivity standpoint, but also when it comes to keeping your team’s mental and emotional health in check.
For those who must share live/work spaces, you have a particular set of needs that must be addressed with your loved ones or other roommates before you can dive into work mode again.
We know this is not true for many workers, but if you are fortunate enough to work from home, here is a list to help jumpstart your productivity.
Tips for Working Remotely

a. Have good internet will travel
Set aside your own work space with good internet access and ideally away from noise and commotion. There are various tech toys you can research but the most important tech is your internet or WIFI connection. It needs to be strong and reliable. If this doesn’t work, never mind the toys.

b. Stay focused
It’s incredible how distracting working from home can be when you are not used to doing it. Especially, if you don’t have a home office and are working at your kitchen table with kids, pets, and roommates or significant others also trying to work! Stay focused by making a to-do list the night before. Download free calendars online and use them to schedule tasks, meetings and other deadlines….and when possible, turn off the TV!

c. Keep to a routine
Try to stick as close as you can to your previous starting and quitting times. Structure can bring calm during crisis. Set boundaries on your space and time so you can be productive whether you are working on a sales report or your child’s school report. Prioritize instead of multitask.

d. Get dressed every day!
Although it’s tempting to work in your PJ’s try to avoid the temptation. It can be as simple as what you’d normally wear on Casual Friday. You’d be surprised at how much productive you can be when you’re dressed for work (rather than for binge watching Netflix).

f. Choose the right communication tools
One thing you can do to ensure that your team stays on track is to utilize communication tools such as Slack, Zoom, G Suite, and more. Don’t let the variety overwhelm you. If you’re already communicating via Facebook or email, stick with that until the team gets up to speed.

g. Take breaks throughout the day
Including a real break for lunch. Shut down your computer and enjoy your meal. Focus on fun activities, anything that brings you joy. Limit exposure to the news.

h. End your workday with exercise
When the work day is done, repeat your “commute” and enjoy the evening. Walk around the block (or your own backyard). Getting some fresh air and exercise can clear your head.
This is a stressful time for everyone, and simply interacting with fellow human beings (even if it’s done electronically) can do wonders.
We know it’s hard to imagine now, but things will be back to normal soon. We will be stronger than ever when that happens because we will get there together.
If you need help getting creative during this crazy time, contact us and let’s brainstorm some ideas together….it’s on the house!